The Daily Find: Feb 23, 2010

Anthony McGrann

Anthony is the latest addition to the blog roll sharing his excitement in attending his first NAIS conference and this wonderful post about Yong Zhao.

Yong Zhao:  “He argues that we also need to continue focusing on the innovative and creative, the critical thinking and problem solving skills for the 21st C and that we are teaching too much to the test. Basically, he says that if it can be automated, it will. I hope teaching in an elementary school will continue to be a very dynamic profession and one that won’t be automated. He also responds to a recent”…MORE. 

 Richard Kassissieh

Experience and Education: “We read Dewey’s Experience and Education first in our graduate program. I recently had two experiences that reminded me of the necessity to make authentic student experience central in the design of a educational environments. We introduced fourth grade students to web research with a simple activity. Ask them to find”…Richard ends with a wonderful line which I will leave for you to discover…MORE.

Seth Battis

Digital Immigrants and naturalization: “Yesterday afternoon, I got to spend some time with a really thoughtful group of teachers in a local M.A.T. program, talking about teaching with technology. Midway through the afternoon, we fell into a discussion of the idea of digital natives and digital immigrants…Therefore, to say that these “digital natives” will outpace us is a fallacy: they know how to…And these are the same skills that we call “21st Century Skills”… but which go back to the first…” MORE OR THE REST OF THE STORY.

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