The Daily Find: Feb. 17, 2010

Leading up to the Annual Conference


DEMETRI ORLANDO: talks about how he is planning what he will attend at this year’s conference.

GORDON RODE: shares his excitement about heading west to San Francisco to hear some great speakers and engage in conversations about running independent schools in these difficult economic times.

RUTH HUYLER GLASS: Ruth shares a wonderful piece about returning to her independent school roots as a student at a boarding school just north of San Francisco

TONY FEATHERSTON: As a head of school, Tony shares about preparing to leave for the week to attend the NAIS conference.


ANDY JONES-WILKINS: With all that is being said about how kids muititask, Andy Jones-Wilkins leaves a nice reflection on how kids can be wonderful “unitaskers if we let them”

HIRAM CUEVAS: I just discovered a similar site yesterday (the daily shoot) and Hiram shares briefly about his experience in a flickr group called A Daily Photo Journal.

LINNEA NELSON: Linnea offers up a piece that challenges us to look at our schools from the eyes of students with learning differences. She asks “whether some students who are leaving [our schools] could have stayed had they received learning support to accommodations.

ROBERT CAMNER: This short post from Robert links to an interesting article from the Wall Street Journal about the value of a college diploma. There is an a call out to the final paragraph which really made me blink as it apparently did Robert.

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