The Daily Find: Feb. 22, 2010

Gordon Rode

Event vs. Episode– Gordon taps into the power of negative press compared to positive. Here he looks at how we as independent schools can perhaps turn public school students into independent school students through active listening. In these challenging economic times, we can’t afford to “not listen”. Gordon shares this message with a great story.

Jonathan Martin

Empathy brings Creativity: “I have written often, but until now always separately,  on the importance of both empathy and of creativity as skills essential for our students (both do appear prominently in our Essential Goals for St. Gregory students).    Today there is a fun piece linking the two, over at, an article entitled”…MORE

Tami Brass

Give a good teacher a tool and…Screencasting and OneNote:” Earlier this week, my school hosted a media event with Intel to showcase how students and teachers are using the ClassmatePC convertibles (tablet netbooks designed specifically for kids) in our 1:1 program.  Whenever someone asks to see a teacher who  uses technology effectively in her classroom, the first teacher I think of”…MORE

Lorrie Jackson

Are you in the Way?: It’s so tempting. We want to manage our organization’s Facebook page like we manage corporate print and electronic publications. We want to be in control from the plan to the content to the rollout. That works in one-way communications. Trouble is…social media is a two-way street. Are you letting traffic through? What do you do when…MORE

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